Hey @Steve.
Thank you for reading and for your comment. The CNI mode I'm talking about it's not legacy, it's the default mode.
This is definetely possible but I think most of deployments can't do it for many reasons:
- the feature you brought out requires assigning prefixes (for better performances) and this is only possible with instances built on the Nitro System based on the official doc https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/cni-increase-ip-addresses.html . https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-prefix-eni.html
- most of the clusters are created with the default settings of eksctl and it comes with the default network settings,
- we can notice that by default the number of IP addresses is somehow tied to the available resources (memory and so on), so more we scale in pods and more we're going to have resources constraints.
I'd like to have your toughts about my answer and about another article I'm working on regarding Secret Objects on K8s.